Monday, April 26, 2010


Yesterday was ASYO Ball!

Everything was perfect. Everyone looked beautiful, Arthur Blank's house was beautiful (and big...and extravagant...and...sigh...), the ASYO tent looked beautiful. The food was okay.

I rode with Gracie Sommer, Ray Kim, Mrs. Sommer and a bunch of decorative plants to the house, where we arrived an hour to set up the decorations and had a battle, balloons/ASYO Ball committee vs. the wind.

Mrs. Sommer gave us a bowl and a stack of paper slips and told us to enter our name for a drawing. The prizes were cute and musical: musical socks, staff paper, and musical pocket dictionary. I wanted the socks.

Ray entered his name 10 times. Clearly he felt very satisfied about his devious actions.

The tour of the house was amazing. Live parakeets, fancy alcohol, and jelly beans were part of the decorations...Emily Brooks and I found a bowl of popcorn and m&m's and we spent a few moments trying to decide if it was save to eat.

My favorite rooms in the house:

The library: because it had a rug...with GLITTER in it!

The boy's room: it had brown fur carpet, a strobe light, the popcorn and m&m bowl, and a bathrobe with the name "Ringo" on it in the bathroom. There was also a mirror that magnified your face like 50 times. (The girl's room sucked...relatively)

The children's activities room: It...was....beautiful. It was like a picture out of an I Spy book, with windows and tiny little desks and jars of clay and Legos and candy and a HUGE teddy bear. There's a window between the children's room and the boy's room, and Drew Forde was yelling into the window at some people on the other side, "LOOK IN THE MIRROR IN THE BATHROOM. GO, LOOK!" When I went from the children's room back to the boy's room, the people inside were yelling back, "I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING. WE CAN'T HEAR YOU."

The laundry room (yeah): Even the laundry room was nice. They had a mannequin in there and Drew confidently proclaimed that she had C-cups.

The lake had a beautiful gazebo made entirely of wood with a bench swing and rocking chair, and along the sides of the water were statues of naked women. That was nice too.

There was a tiny kid's playground near the tent with a mini merry-go-round, and I've never heard boys scream louder.

Anyways, the ball started at six and we started with dinner and prize drawings. Some of the winners were Sodie Finebone, Moe Winograd, and Alex Chumbley. Rachel Halverson won the pocket dictionary! I WON THE SOCKS!

Ray won nothing. :)

I felt bad for the DJ because for the first two hours, a max number of 6 people would be on the dance floor at a time. After 8, not a single person at the ball was off of the dance floor. It got really hot and sweaty but we had so much fun. We formed a human train that took us to the end of the last song.

This night was really special to me because I've never gone to prom. I never really wanted to because I'm sure Walton prom would've been more of an awkward experience rather than a special one...but I've always wished for that special prom experience, and ASYO Ball was definitely it. It reminds me that ASYO is so good to me. Thanks to everyone for a wonderful wonderful wonderful evening, and year as well! <3

"If you pee out of a penis, why don't you poo out of a poonis?" - Rachel Halverson

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Snipits of ASYO Rehearsal - 4.24.10

Me: Ricky, would you eat a ham and jelly sandwich?
Ricky: What?...well, it depends. What kind of ham?
Me: Like...smoked, sandwich ham.
Ricky: No. Absolutely not. Although there's the pineapple and ham combination - sweet and salty thing, you know...and there's other kinds of jelly that might work, like marmalade and --
Mr. Flint: Is there a problem here?
Me: We're discussing jelly.
Mr. Flint: Oh.
Ricky: She was telling me about how she had to eat a ham and jelly sandwich and we got into a discussion.
Mr. Flint: (hands to temples with his eyes closed) See, you have to have these philosophical musings...philosophical revelations when it comes to jelly...

Mr. Flint: Not good. Again!
Mr. Flint: Not good. Again!
Mr. Flint: Not goo--oh, Robert Spano is here! Help us! Please!

Mr. Spano: Buh-oh. Buh-oh.
Mr. Spano: Da DWEE da dwa dummm.
Mr. Spano: Ba-deem!
Mr. Spano: Can it be...more gooey?
Mr. Spano: You won't rush. (points) You will not. You will not rush. (still pointing)
Mr. Spano: It's gotta be cool. See I grew up with "cool"; you guys probably don't know what that means but --
ASYO member: We still say cool.
Mr. Spano: You DO? You still have "cool"? I can't believe it! "Cool" still got it! That's so cool!

Mr. Flint: That's not right. You all should be in octaves. Everyone play that note.
Mr. Flint:...what.


Congrats to Ray Kim on an amazing concert! He's not only a talented musician, but he's very talented at eating. You're done with Elgar; DONE DONE DONE!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm a fan of...

-Mirai Nagasu!

For those who aren't sure of who she is, she's a figure skater on the USA team and placed 4th at the Olympics. I like how she's not just amazing at what she does, but shes also so human! She isn't perfect, and for some reason it makes me like her even more. I remember watching the Olympic long program for figure skating, and she was all dolled up in her red and black Carmen dress, looking absolutely petrified. Her coach was holding her hands and shaking sense into her, telling her over and over, "You can do it! You really can!" And I was thinking, Oh gosh. She's going to faint. She's going to barf. And then she skated out, smiled at the audience, and completely beasted her program. It just goes to show, it's okay to be scared. And you CAN conquer your fears.

She's also pretty adorable. I can't wait for next season. Here's one of her exhibitions.

-I love frozen yogurt. I used to think it was nasty but then I went to UC Berkeley and had proper frozen yogurt...I was so happy. I didn't actually buy any froyo; I took a thimble-sized sample cup and kept refilling it over and over again until we left the shop. :D I'm pretty sure that's not allowed but okay...

-I recently discovered UrbanGermany on Youtube and I'm in love love. His voice makes me melt! Sigh...

Click here to listen to one of his original songs, Nowhere Else. He has a sick cover of Nothing On You by B.O.B. ft. Bruno Mars as well.


I've had a Xanga since the beginning of time (for 7 years now) and I finally decided to open up a blogger. There's pretty much no difference between Xanga and Blogger, but I'm strangely giddy about starting one of these. I'm having fun picking out my layout and trying to decide what I'm going to write about; it's like a brand-new start!

I guess I find comfort in the starting of a new blog because right now we seniors are in the midst of an ending. Graduation gowns have been ordered, yearbook staffs are proofreading a few last times (although clearly embarrassing pictures are usually never filtered out in mercy), graduation party invites are spilling in everyone's Facebooks. Even though I'm home-schooled and I pretty much started summer vacation back in August 2009, there's that air of finality with me as well. We probably all have mixed feelings about it but doesn't everyone find it...a bit strange?

This is the pivotal point in our lives where "home" is a little less like home but more as a checkpoint we return to when we want to or feel the need to, and when we start finding our parents just a little less annoying and start to really understand their significance. This is our first BIG step away from home. I'd like to think a year at boarding school and four summers away at music festivals might have prepared me, but I have a feeling I'm in for some big, big surprises.

So these days, I've started seeing my parents in a new light. They are really...pretty cute. I've gotten more urges to hug them lately...I'm hoping, despite all my years as Bitchy Daughter, I'll be able to make this summer at home with my parents worthwhile.

I NEED TO FIND A SUMMER JOB! Anyone want to hire me?, seriously, anyone?

Who else is staying home this summer?