Tuesday, August 2, 2011

People in Pilsen

So I was lucky enough to spend a month in the beautiful Czech Republic with some amazing people...they had so much character, spontaneity, and a little bit of mystery to them. In fact, with people here, you never know what you're going to get!

For starters, I met a pregnant man.

And many beautiful women.  

There were lots of kitties around town.


There was even ice cream that doubled as eye wear!


There was a guy who aspired to be part of a fence.

Some nice guards...

And some awkward guards too.

I met a talking table...


A very charming and shiny man...

And a couple of witches on a night out on the town.

On a day when no one else was on the tram, we turned into hardcore parkour masters!

But sometimes...you don't know what or who is underneath!

(dun dun dun)

Thanks for a great month. :)