Yay for another break! :D Thank goodness. I need itttttt.
First of all, I'm thankful for the way my floor lamp matches my bedspread.
And I'm thankful for the fact that the cranes and pictures I put on my wall haven't fallen off yet.
I'm thankful that the computers in the computer lab have Finale on them.
And how the weather has been beautiful...in my opinion at least.
I'm grateful for how fancy and nice the dorm bathrooms are.
I'm really thankful that I haven't permanently lost anything yet.
And that laundry is free.
And for the good times spent in the dorm kitchen baking and making noodles.
I'm grateful for Updegraff, and our post-studio class Coffee House trips.
And I'm really grateful for CaseCash, because it makes me feel a lot less guilty for buying iced mochas from the Coffee House everyday.
Speaking of which, I'm grateful for Paula!
I'm grateful that I haven't gotten food poisoning from Leutner...yet.
And most of all, I'm grateful for how I am perfectly content here at CIM. I feel like all the things I've wanted and wondered if I'd ever have or deserve were dropped in my lap when I came to CIM.
So there are days when I want to kick my violin. And myself. And maybe others. But all in all, I've had pretty much the best 1st semester of college anyone could ask for. Happiness is such a significant and wonderful thing and I'm grateful for my happiness.
Happy Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for this year?
Awesome cake. I especially like Brundt cake. And dude, YOUR LAUNDRY IS FREE?? Not fair. I did laundry last weekend while studying for my stupid chem test during an all-nighter and it cost me like $7 because the damn washer didn't soak up the water and I had to put it in the dryer like 8 times.