So. Here is the Hong family. Look at how happy we children look. And how spiffy my mom's hair cut is. And look how dapper my dad looks in his aviator glasses and suit!
This is how we decorate our house. We're just very creative.
It's an opera my dad bought from Goodwill. He hasn't watched it, but he's very proud to have it.
This has been on my door for 5 years. I remember when I made it back in 7th grade, on the first night of SSMF. Soooo many good memories followed :D
My previous violin teacher, Mr. Ludwig, gave me these right before I went off to SSMF for another summer. I actually used them in the 4th of July parade. Nobody believed my violin teacher gave me that. BUT HE DID.
One of my old dance costumes that I found particular cringe-worthy.
...but this one takes the cake. We even had hats to match but I lost it.
This is part of a poster of DBSK I got from my friend in 8th grade. I used to be obsessed with them in very unhealthy ways. Micky was my favorite!! Too bad they're all wearing outfits too fruity for words.
I was a Girl Scout for 6 months and sold cookies in front of Walmart and everything. My vest was so heavy because of all the badges I got *sarcasm*.
My stand friend! He used to have eyes but they fell off.
So I put them on my bulletin board.
I made this in 5th grade and was SO proud of it because a fellow 5th grader said if I sold it, I would get $10.
I hate how blogspot doesn't allow you to turn your pictures. Anyways this is Mark Ross's 8th grade award...and for some reason I found it under my bed. I think he was trying to make me feel better about being a loser who wasn't an excellent writer.
So in 8th grade, I spent an entire semester writing a story that turned out to be 120 or so pages. Deanna actually took the time to print it out and made a cover for it and everything and I was soooo happy. It was an awesome present.
To show how riveting the story was.
"Epilouge." ....
"Derrick lived a life of suckyness."